Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Vision, Mission and Values

As part of my CCA application I included a short description of my core values as a designer. I was inspired to do this by my husband's organization, Mosaic, because their values are so clear and defining. In my opinion, core values are the most important part because they will determine how you accomplish your goals. The goals themselves, like the mission, can change, but the values will, or should, hold (relatively) steady. I understand a business' core values as similar to a person's character - they reflect what is most important and enduring. As a person's character should not easily change (as that would reflect a lack of integrity) so I think that core values should not be easily changed (without great consideration).

Though I am sure my core values will change as I continue through grad school... these are what I started with before I was accepted.

Core Values:

Vision: Without vision people perish. I think I chose this as a core value because I wanted to signify its importance to me. As a designer, I work best when there is a common and clear vision to move towards. I think I included this for potential employers - when I worked as an architect, I had a hard time finding employers that had a clear and compelling vision.

Character: Talent is important but the shape of your character is the shape of your future. A person's character determines if his/her talent is to be used for creatively good or creatively destructive purposes. I choose this core value, again for potential employers to see how I value character development and consideration in the workplace.

Change: Innovation requires change and a new way of thinking. Inspired by a quote from Einstein, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Change is vital to innovation. This shows I am aware of how quickly life can change and wish to maintain an attitude that is open to change - in order to be the most creative and responsive to the needs of the time.

Creativity: Creativity is reliant upon one's understanding of the essence or core. This connection unleashes innovation beyond existing structures and systems. I value ethnographic research and designing with a community rather than for a community. I wish to be an involved, compassionate designer who empowers local communities rather than be an isolated designer removed from the context and consequences of the project.

Courage: Courage isn't the absence of fear; it is the presence of hope. Those who are driven by the hope of what could be create the future. I chose this as a core value because I knew I would face intimidating challenges and obstacles and wanted to remind myself to bravely face forward - to not let fear undermine hope.

Mission and Vision are harder for me to determine - especially right now as I am a new graduate student, however, I will try to draft a version below.

Mission: To be a holistic product designer who considers multiple factors in designing solutions for complex environments.

Vision: Be a designer who only creates good. It is not only neutral (creating no bad) but must have a positive impact. (This is extremely idealistic but aren't visions supposed to be nearly unattainable? Just attainable enough to keep you moving forward?)

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